May 31, 2003 News | Bush to Head Start backers: Shut up!

Streak is not terribly fond of this move. After all, it is one thing to oppose government programs where private enterprise might legitimately do a better job. But Head Start is a legitimate government program that actually makes a difference. Why would you want to essentially scuttle it by giving it to the States who are the most strapped right now in this economic climate? My conservative friends keep mocking the idea that Repubs hate the poor, the old and the environment, but how does a move like this help their case? It doesn't. Not only that, but they are using their government position to threaten people. That sounds Nixonian and Nixon liked Head Start. This administration plays politics hardball style with no concern what ever for those who need government assistance the most. How Repubs support an administration that continually helps people who don't need their help--befuddles me. Streak understands. He says that too many conservatives actually don't support this administration at a policy level, but support Bush out of anger about Clinton. That if they admit this administration is all bad, then all the ranting and raving about sex and dresses and interns will look silly.

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