September 7, 2009

"Let's Face It, In a Country of Three Hundred Million People, There are a Lot of Stupid People"

Heh. John Harwood: Let's Face It, In a Country of Three Hundred Million People, There are a Lot of Stupid People | Video Cafe:
"Harwood: I've got to tell you Monica, I've been watching politics for a long time and this is, this one is really over the top. What it shows you is there are a lot of cynical people who try to fan controversy and let's face it, in a country of three hundred million people there are a lot of stupid people too, because if you believe that's it's somehow unhealthy for kids for the President to say work hard and stay in school, you're stupid.

Novotny: Ouch.

Harwood: In fact, I'm worried for some of those kids, I'm worried for some of those kids of those parents who are upset. I'm not sure they're smart enough to raise those kids."

1 comment:

Monk-in-Training said...

Even Laura Bush thinks this is over the top.

There are times when I wonder why I am still a Republican. This is one of them.

I just want to tell my party to grow up and get a real response, not manufactured outrage!