January 31, 2012

My Twitter feed

I decided to give the twitter name of Streak over to my new friend Aleem Mawani and their company, streak.com.  Twitter actually doesn't allow the sale of nicknames or aliases, and more importantly, I realized two things:  1) that twitter feed isn't actually my Streak, and 2) I can't sell him.

Here at the blog, I will always be Streak.  But on twitter, I will be available at a name that early blog readers will remember--@streaksfriend


SOF said...

Wish I twittered just so I could send you a tweet to the new name. I like it very much.

SOF (aka Streak's Other Friend).

Love you!!

Tony said...

Wow. Great Twitter name. Makes me want to join Twitter.

Bob said...

Nice of you to fork over the name.

Noah said...

Damn you for being rational and making sense.

Streak said...

I appreciate it. It took me a while to get around to it, and I will confess to a rather tough couple of hours as I went through the process.

But it was the right thing to do. I wasn't going to profit off my friend.