December 12, 2003

Thanks to J for this. A Baghdad Thanksgiving's Lingering Aftertaste: "When last we checked in on Stripes, it was reporting on a survey it did of troops in Iraq, finding that half of those questioned described their units' moral as low and their training as insufficient and said they did not plan to reenlist.
With the Pentagon just recovering from that, Stars and Stripes is blowing the whistle on President Bush's Thanksgiving visit to Baghdad, saying the cheering soldiers who met him were pre-screened and others showing up for a turkey dinner were turned away. "

I can hear the Bushies screaming about this now--who cares, this doesn't mean anything, blah, blah, blah. But these are the same people who denigrated (often rightly) the Clintons for their lapses in integrity, often citing the entire administration. But under Bush, evidently, because he speaks "Christianese" he gets a pass.

I won't ever accept the moral self-righteousness of many Repubs. I won't say that dems are more moral, that would be just as stupid, but I will not tolerate GOPites tsking as they talk about "morals, and family values," and shit like that. All of my leftist friends have exhibited far more integrity, moral fortitude, compassion, and heart than this administration has on its best day. That should not be read as an indictment of Republicans. I know many, and know them to be very moral and thoughtful people. But this administration does not share their values. They just talk the talk. The walk is only for their energy corporate friends.

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