June 3, 2004

the parish: It's a Meal, Folks. A Meal!: "Catholics will view the withholding of communion as critical because the Eucharist has a salvific role. Protestants are so confused about what it is they can't even agree whether they should take it weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, or give up on it altogether. They withhold it out of ignorance in most churches on a weekly basis. However, once the idea that this is an extension of Jesus' mealtime fellowship with believers and unbelievers is introduced, we can dispense with the silly notion that ordination gives me the right to call some and not others to the table. The Lord extends an invitation to whomever is thirsty to come drink, and to whomever is hungry to come buy bread with no money (that's in the Bible). So, all you priestly types, try sitting down with your flocks and eating with them. Hell, try eating with unbelievers. They're good to be around. They keep your ass from puckering overmuch."

Damn! Well said, well said.

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