January 27, 2006

Music is our only hope

Tivoed Austin City Limits last night, and watched it tonight. It was a real joy to watch Ryan Adams and Tift Merritt. Those who don't like Ryan Adams--well I get it. The guy is an ass. But as my guitar teacher put it--trust the art, not the artist.

And there he was. Hair looked like shit. But that voice. And those songs.

The second half was Tift, and we have seen her a couple times at the ACL festival. Her live show (the first one) was electric. Her second festival show was ok, but it was one of the early ones--12:30 or so on a Saturday. Hard to have great energy then. We have one of her albums. But her studio stuff is just kind of sterile. Boring. Just doesn't capture it.

Her ACL show really captured why we liked her first show. Great stuff.

And both really reminded us why we love music and especially why we love music that no one plays in Oklahoma City.

A nice way to spend Friday night.

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