March 16, 2006

Utah is kind of like Texas

But not, of course. It would be more like Texas if it had no mountains and was hotter than hell. But it does share a kind of religious culture. During our trip to Utah, I found myself looking at families and individuals wondering, "are they Mormon?" It isn't as silly as it sounds. Salt Lake is the least Mormon controlled part of the state.

And we saw all parts of it. Saturday night after dinner, the Starbucks was closed. At 7! But there was a Starbucks. Our Bed and Breakfast served coffee, but was well stocked with the Book of Mormon. The Pizza place was closed on Sunday and stocked with waitresses who all looked the same and all smiled the same. (Good pizza, though.) On the way to pizza, I cautiously waited in a left turn lane (no left turn light) only to have some jackass in a sportscar honk and then drive around me. I heard people talking about Mormonism around me, but our last dinner in town was at a combination cafe and bookstore that included vegan meals (I had chicken), anti-Mormon books, and a woman giving Tarot readings.

More later.

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