May 1, 2007

Hmm, mission unaccomplished

4 years. 4 YEARS. And disaster after disaster.

Watching that horrible display today really reminded me of how awful this administration has been. Historians will continue to rate Bush as one of the very worst. As I joked the other day, he makes Grant look sober. He did accomplish one thing for the Bush family, however. He transformed his father into a great president.


4 years. 3,000 dead Americans and who knows how many dead Iraqis. As many Americans dead as in the oft-quoted 9-11, or as Bushy always calls it, "September THE eleventh" as if he is showing off his grasp of numbers. Right, he uses 3,000 dead Americans to justify sending another 3,000 and counting to fight in a cluster fu$k war. Evidence continues to mount that his Veep orchestrated everything from the intelligence to the push for war, to the outing of a CIA agent who got in the way. But Bush oversaw the entire disaster. With a smirk and a strut. Boy, did he see too many John Wayne movies growing up. Barbara and George did a number on that boy. And by extension, us.

So here is how this is going to work. And, keep in mind, we didn't make the rules. Republicans impeached the last decent president over a blow job and politicized sex. I suspect that many of them today are looking ruefully at this disaster of a president and thinking, "we will get to mock the next one, whoever they may be."

Yeah, not going to happen. I will ignore any Republican who voted for this man in 2004 unless (UNLESS) the next President does something along the lines of 1) endorsing torture; 2) invading Canada to stop Mexican immigration; 3) suspending Habeas review to incarcerate Republicans (might be a case for that, actually); 4) hiring some idiots from a left wing religious nutjob "law school" (oh, wait, those don't actually exist) to politicize who gets pinched for political corruption and who doesn't; 5) hiring a moron to be Attorney General. And then replacing him with Alberto Gonzales.

That list can continue. But everytime I hear one Republican complain about Hilary, or Barak, I will just smile. Oh, don't get me wrong. I joked about suspending habeas for Republicans, but that was just a joke. I believe in our system. Freedom means more than dressing up in a flight suit and invoking 9-11 in every damn speech. All of you who were silly enough to vote for Bush in 2004 will still have the right to complain about whoever is in charge. But I won't listen to you. Because your credibility will be in the GWB Library next to the Mission Accomplished banner.

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