June 20, 2008

2008 music (so far)

And a partial list, but several of the 2008 albums have already started appearing in heavy rotation around here.

Number one for me right now, is Kathleen Edward's new "Asking for Flowers. You can listen to her music at her Myspace page. A long time favorite of ours (we saw her at ACL one year) this album did not grab me right out of the jewel case, but has taken a few listens. As strong as her previous albums were, I think this might be her best. Great songwriting and really great melodies. And she likes to swear.

Another Streak's favorite is the Denton, Texas-based Centro-matic. One of the more prolific songwriters out there, Will Johnson and his group have released a double-album of Centro-matic and South San Gabriel (his other side project). I still haven't downloaded the SSG portion because my Emusic sub is a little low right now, but the Centro-matic side is very strong.

Third, and thanks to Zalm for this suggestion, is Scotland's Frightened Rabbit. An album that is not for those with tender ears, but some really great vocals, lyrics and melodies.

Here is a video of their song "Head rolls off." The opening line is a grabber:
Jesus...Is only a Spanish Boy's name. How come one man got so much fame

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