August 24, 2003

For those who haven't watched the Franken v. O'Reilly debacle, it truly is an interesting comment on media, personality, truth and politics. I found it hard to watch at times and would say that Franken lost his control a few times. That is true of his book as well--this one is more personal than the Limbaugh one. He was personally insulted by the treatment of the Wellstone memorial. He was there and was also friends with the Wellstones. I think he was also fed up with the bullying of people like O'Reilly--who at times strikes Streak as the least troublesome of the Fox crew, since he is willing to at least challenge people on the right--who uses his show as a club, even cutting the mike and shouting at someone who lost their father in the World Trade center attack. O'Reilly's arrogance shows up in the CSPAN debate, when he talks about his new book really being for us, not for him. He is looking out for us, and is insulted to be challenged.

Read Franken's new book and email me. He researched his book pretty well and makes some very good arguments, but he is unabashedly liberal and his bias is evident. I don't have a problem with that and appreciate his candor on that.

His dissections of Ann Coulter are mostly taken from the (a great blog, btw) and, but are nonetheless worthwhile. She is easy to dissect--the bigger mystery is why more conservatives don't ask her to shut up. He also takes on Sean Hannity--who is clearly the new Limbaugh--and shows how disengenuous not only Hannity is, but also the show, Hannity and Colmes.

In any case, it is a very interesting read. He returns to Operation Chickenhawk with success and has a great discussion of Supply Side Jesus (v. Jesus of Nazareth). Enjoy.

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