October 5, 2003

Yahoo! News - California Recall a Referendum on Schwarzenegger

What does this whole California recall tell us about voters? Or does it? From one angle, it appears that the voters are not terribly smart. How else to explain poll numbers going up after more proof appears of the man's scumminess? And this isn't Bush's youthful indiscretions, this is Henry Hyde's youthful indiscretion--meaning very recently. And he was good friends with the very people who screwed the California economy. The guy is a scumbag, and Californians seem to be lining up to elect him governor.

Don't get me wrong. I support the recall option, but not the way this one is implimented. A recall should be harder to do than just stand outside grocery stores. And there ought to be some justification other than we don't like him. Not sure how to do that, but this doesn't seem right. I also understand that Californians on both sides of the aisle hate Gray Davis. Fine. But this seems wrong at a lot of levels. And I suspect that California will end up regretting this.

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