October 8, 2003

Yahoo! News - Davis Out, Schwarzenegger Wins in Calif.

Very interesting events. On one hand, it is very hard to take either Arnold or this recall seriously. But after seeing the turnout, which was extraordinary, I can't completely dismiss the outcome.

Fears: that Republicans will spin this to say that even one of the most liberal states is actually conservative. I don't think that is true--after all, Arnold is hardly a Bush conservative, and California is still quite liberal on several issues.

Fear #2, that Democrats will over-react to this and try to recall the recall, or something stupid like that. The recall will come back to haunt the GOP at some point, but Democrats should not try to cause that. Arnold may take care of that by himself. Or he might just do fine. Not a lot that any Governor can do to fix this state right now anyway.

Fear #3, that the line between entertainment and politics have been so completely blurred that we can no longer tell between people who fake at being politicians and those who are. Have to see.

All in all, I think that this will all turn out ok. Hope.

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