February 18, 2004

Watched Fox Friends this morning

I know, I know. I shouldn't . Nothing good to come from such an act. This morning, the team of vapid interviewers had as a guest, the great Sean Hannity. He, evidently, has a new book out--something called "Deliver us from Evil." Wow. So glad that this great mind is churning them out. I am positive that this will be an uplifting book.

During his interview this morning, he essentially charged Democrats with politicizing national security, while Bush and his administration were statesmen leaders with great moral clarity.

Hmm. So by politicizing national security, he means Kerry, Kennedy and Dean. He doesn't mean Bush landing on an aircraft carrier in a pre-campaign photo-op with "Mission Accomplished" splashed behind him. And he doesn't mean the Republican decision to move their convention to NYC and delay it so they can combine it with the 9-11 anniversary. And it certainly doesn't refer to ads run against Tom Daschle comparing him to Saddam Hussein for disagreeing with the President. And it doesn't refer to the GOP savaging Max Cleland over his Homeland Security vote, calling a Vet who lost three limbs soft on security.

Sure, Sean. Democrats are the ones who are soft on evil and eager to politicize terrorism and war. Right.

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