April 23, 2004

Yahoo! News - Louisiana May Ban Low-Slung Pants
: "BATON ROUGE, La. - People who wear low-slung pants that expose skin or 'intimate clothing' would face a fine of up to $500 and possible jail time under a bill filed by a Jefferson Parish lawmaker."

Yet another example of Janet's impact. The backlash is continuing. Is this the way conservatives really want to govern? Interestingly enough (and I will have to find the cite later) but some bloggers have speculated that the FCC backlash will result in more clarified freedom rather than less. Why? Because the previous approach was essentially the equivalent of hand-slapping broadcasters, and while it may have not served that effective to stop "obscenity," the companies preferred to go along rather than object. Now that the fines are much larger, and the threat of license forfeiture exists, many corporations will choose to challenge these laws in court. And many of them may not hold up to First Ammendment scrutiny.

Of course, that just means more Constitutional ammendments: flag burning, right to legislate against the "f" word, right to jail liberal bloggers, etc.......

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