November 20, 2009

Ah Republicans: If the past is a problem, just change it.

Think Progress Foxx: Republicans ‘Passed Civil Rights Bills Back In The 60s Without Very Much Help’ From Democrats

I would just dismiss this as a very uninformed Rep, but I have heard this from numerous conservatives. Most, I would add, as this post notes, miss the distinction between Northern Republicans and Southern ones, and assume somehow that the conservative Republicans of today are the same as those Northern liberal Republicans.

But make no mistake, the current GOP is the GOP who opposed every measure for social and environmental justice. To say otherwise is simply a denial of history.


P M Prescott said...

Nixon and Reagan flipflopped the parties on civil rights. That's why dixiecrats became first boll weevils and then shifted to repugs

Streak said...

Yeah, no doubt that the process accelerated under Nixon and then Reagan. Actually began when Republicans abandoned the South to the white Democrats and never tried to get them back. Roosevelt did, and that was the game changer.