September 16, 2003

CBN News - Judge Roy Moore: On the Battle to Ban God from Government: "PAT ROBERTSON: With us here in the studio is the man at the center of this controversy. He's the Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore. And Mr. Chief Justice, once again we welcome you to 'The 700 Club.' Thank you for being here. According to the Constitution, what is the law of the land?

ROY MOORE: The Constitution is the law of the land. The First Amendment represents that, that the acknowledgment of God is not prohibited the Constitution, indeed the only purpose of the First Amendment is to allow the acknowledgment of God. You know, the first thing that Congress did on September 25th, 1789, after it approved the final words of the First Amendment, was to ask the President to direct a Day of Public Thanksgiving and Prayer to Almighty God for the peaceful manner in which the Constitution was formed. So the very purpose of the First Amendment was to allow the acknowledgment of God.

And you ask what the law of the land is--it's contained in the organic law of our country, The Declaration of Independence, which acknowledges that God gave us our life, liberty, and the right to pursue happiness. And government's only role was to secure those rights for us."

Excuse me? The law of the land is the Declaration?

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