December 15, 2003

Daily Show on Saddam's Capture

Best line. "After months and months of searching, we have finally captured the guy who had nothing to do with 9-11."

I love the fact that the Republicans are gloating about this as if this finally is proof of the war's rightness. No one ever doubted the existence of Saddam! His capture (or death) was assumed at the beginning of this war, remember?

All this means is that it took the hard working troops longer than expected. Nothing changes. Even finding WMDs would not change the facts of the war: Bush lied to us to get us into the war. Saddam was a dangerous regional tyrant. Osama is a dangerous worldwide terrorist. Who did we focus on? Right after Sept. 11, that is (remember the great Bush quote? Something like "Fuck Saddam. We are taking him out.") Nothing has changed.

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