December 12, 2003

Halliburton? That's unpossible! Update

I was thinking about this issue this morning. One of the admin's defenders once defended the issue of giving bids to friends. why not, he said? Who are you going to do business with? Your friends, or the people you don't trust?

As Halliburton is showing us, that is pure crap. If you are in politics to enrich your friends, you are in for the wrong reason. And, if you work for the Bible Thumping President, shouldn't you ask where he gets this out of the bible? It might be near the back. Perhaps a scripture on screwing your enemies? Or only helping your friends?

And how does this work as a small government conservative (you know who you are)? Isn't this one of the reasons you distrust government? During the Clinton administration, didn't you resent the FOB's who got special access? Isn't this administration twice as bad?

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