September 6, 2004

Do modern churches value women?

Very interesting post below from someone who suggests that the contemporary church consistently elevates male voices above female. I don't attend church anymore, but it certainly reflects my growing up Baptist in Colorado.

a badchristian blog... - my misogynistic worship experience--a longish treatment: "At our church I think that women have been lied to. Men have told them that their voices are more valuable than men's in certian areas. These areas are often child care, secretarial duties, and general baking tasks. Men are left with caring for the flock, leading worship, and generally being in charge of the structural issues of the church. It doesn't take long to do the math and figure out if the church is segmented into male and female roles where males do an inordinate amount of the leadership in 'malish' tasks and women do the 'femalish' tasks--EVERYTHING QUICKLY BECOMES LESS THAN IT COULD BE IF WOMEN AND MEN WERE ON EQUAL FOOTING IN OUR CHURCH. EVERYBODY LOSES!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed the post streak.

I did post a new one early this morning, you may enjoy giving this one a read. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
