February 9, 2009

Ring of Fire

Last night, I was on the phone with my niece having a great conversation, and the door bell rang. I had been in the kitchen, and SOF was busy and focused on her computer. SOF got the door, and only then did we realize that the yard across the street was on fire. It was a very freaky sight, I can tell you. At the point we saw it the fire was a circle on the lawn and looked quite eerie, as if someone had purposefully set it in a circle. We suspect it was just an errant cigarette, but it looked eerie in the night. Even as this passerby alerted us to the fire, we heard sirens in the distance, and within a few minutes, the fire was out. It later rained, which made us all feel a little better.

You can see the burnt part in this photo.


ANewAnglican@gmail.com said...


leighton said...

Now I've got Johnny Cash stuck in my head. Sweet.

Monk-in-Training said...

ACK now I have "ring of fire" in my head

Streak said...

You are all welcome. That is my favorite Johnny Cash song. :)