November 5, 2012

Republicans and morality

I have a lot of Republican family and friends. They are all, to a person, some of the most honest people I know. I can't imagine them cheating on their taxes or lying to get what they want any more than I can imagine that of my liberal friends. Yet, my conservative family and friends look the other way when their party attempts to stop people from voting (often based on race). Worse, they will vote for a person who lies more than he tells the truth. All because he isn't Obama. I will never understand that contradiction of moral people and an unhinged and immoral party.


Anonymous said...

Obama is wicked. And so is everyone who supports him. That would explain why people vote against him.

Streak said...

Oh, Gary, we can always count on you to defend hatred and bigotry. And stupidity. Can't forget stupidity.

Noah said...

Me troll. ME HUNGRY. Feed troll. FEED TROLL.

Monk-in-Training said...

I think the historic suppression of African American votes in the Christian South somehow carries on in the mindset in Evangelical circles, perhaps making it a bit more acceptable to them than it would be otherwise.

Just a theory. At least they aren't lynching people for voting as happened in my grandparents day.