May 2, 2007


Josh Marshall says that Bush can't fire Gonzales. It is such an obvious point that I can't believe I didn't think of it. Marshall points out that Gonzales essentially never quit being the White House Counsel--he just switched offices. So he functioned as AG to protect the Bush people. That means keeping Rove out of hot water, protecting the big guy himself against any future investigations. If he fires Gonzales, he will have to appoint a new AG and will run into serious problems. Marshall says that he could not get away with another Gonzales--especially after all this, so couldn't trust that the AG wouldn't become more of a liability.

More than he already is. So Bush is more than willing to allow Gonzales to look like a complete doofus (and that is being kind) because if he fires him, he might be letting a real prosecutor into the government.

Just another example of the depths of incompetence of this man. Heck of a job, there, Bushy!

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