November 24, 2003

Yahoo! News - Alarms Sounded On Cost of GOP Bills
: "Rudman puts the long-term costs of these commitments in dire terms: inevitable currency devaluations, massive tax increases, collapsing retirement accounts.

'It is puzzling, unless you take the most cynical political view of 'I've got to do what I've got to do, and whatever bad that's going to happen is not going to happen on my watch,' ' he said, trying to explain lawmakers' motivations. 'If that is what's happening, we are facing the Titanic of fiscal crises in eight to 10 years.'"

All this from the party that spent the 80s and 90s complaining about budget deficits and trying to take credit for balancing the budget in the 90s. I don't mind that so much, but am increasingly troubled by the Republicans who seem to have decided that now deficit spending is good. I personally think that it can be--especially when it is used to jump start the economy. But when matched with massive tax cuts and huge military needs in Iraq and Afghanistan, it seems irresponsible and very much like the Republican approach to the economy is this: cut taxes to the bone, continue to spend through the roof, continue to talk fiscal responsibility--especially when talking about a liberal bill--while doling out gov assistance to big business and big energy, and blame the Democrats for any problems.

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