August 9, 2004

Iraq Seeks Arrest of Ahmad Chalabi ( "Iraq has issued an arrest warrant for Ahmad Chalabi, a former governing council member, on money laundering charges and another for Salem Chalabi, the head of Iraq's special tribunal, on murder charges, Iraq's chief investigating judge said Sunday."

This appears best sorted in the "what were we our leaders thinking?" file. Remember Chalabi? The guy sitting right next to Laura Bush at the SOTU? Remember the guy that Bush soon after tried to act like he didn't know? Well, he is being charged in Iraq with counterfeiting, while his nephew is charged with murder. Of course, it might be as Ahmed says, a politically charged sting, but it isn't like the guy is new to the world of fraud. Our leaders should have known that the CIA didn't trust this guy because he was widely known to be a problem. But our leaders, led by Wolfowitz and Perle and Cheney, all loved this guy.

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