August 30, 2004

PhD woes

So, I have a PhD. It isn't nearly as impressive as it sounds. I am glad I completed it, know that it was an accomplishment. No more than many countless other accomplishments, and in fact, less than a good many others.

And I know all too well how little I know, and sometimes how much I think I should know to qualify as a "Dr." Today was one of those days where I am reminded of how little I know. Had a student walk up after class and ask, "is there anyway to make some sense out of your lecture?" Well, not quite that bad, but maybe not the best reaction for a PhD speaking on his area of expertise.

But here I am. It has been a few years now, and I happened to stop by my old advisor's office today. He was in with a student. Grad student. Poor bastard.

So, I say hi, and talk about the class. He introduces me to the student this way: "my old TA." Old habits, I imagine. For that student, that might mean that I never finished. Or the old advisor might have filled that part in after I left.

It really is ok. One of the things I learned when finishing this degree was what it meant to me and what it didn't mean. I knew it was a mistake to expect the degree to somehow make me something I wasn't. People who didn't respect me weren't going to change their mind when they saw the initials.

It would have been nice to hear the old advisor proudly say who I was. But that is his issue. He is the one who can't handle me as a peer. That isn't my problem. I know who I am.

1 comment: said...

Brother, I hear you. I have a "PhD anxiety" blog entry of my own brewing, but who knows if it will ever emerge. And as for that student, well, that was one student. And it's early in the semester. And they're lazy and want everything on PowerPoint. They'll come around. Hang in there. You made it over the wall. I know, I heard the siren. That sound gives hope to all of us still inside.