August 19, 2004

Politics, loyalty, and stuff

I watched John McCain the other day chide the Swift-Boat Veterans for Trooth about their ad against Kerry. McCain called the ad dishonest and dishonorable and also suggested that this was the very same stuff they did against him in 2000. They, being the Bush people. They, who push polled South Carolinians about McCain's "black" baby (They adopted a child from Bangladesh, I believe) to remind the state's racists that they needed to be careful who they elected. They, who ran ads challenging McCain's patriotism even though he spent years in a POW camp. Evidently, by allowing himself to be captured, he was dishonoring the brave Cheney's (had better things to do) and Bush's (I served, I served, I served, but those records were destroyed).

Then, McCain is seen around swing states introducing this guy! What gives? McCain is supposedly not fond of Bush personally (who can figure that?) and has been openly dismissive of the administration (he was the one who said Bush spent more money than a drunken sailor). Yet, here he is endorsing this guy for president. Does Bush have pictures of McCain? Or, as many bloggers have pointed out, is McCain really not what many Dems wanted him to be and is instead a hard core conservative.

The answer is probably both (not the pictures). I think McCain hates Bush and loathes his policies. But what happens if McCain endorses Kerry? What happens to any Republican who crosses the line? They might be voting their conscience at that moment, but are risking their entire future in their party of choice. Makes me a little sympathetic for all those Republicans who are endorsing Bush through clenched teeth. I wonder how many of them will vote in secret for Kerry? That is, unless they signed that loyalty oath to see Dick Cheney..........

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