June 9, 2007

More creation museum fun

Thanks to Mary for Daily Kos: Fun at the Creation Museum!!!! (my field trip to CrazyLand).

Be warned, this visitor (as the title might suggest) is not very respectful of creationism, so don't read it if that will bother you. I found it funny, but also very educational. I didn't realize that the museum attacks reason so directly and so blatantly. I thought they were appealing to reason by saying that they had a different, yet reasonable explanation. But from what I can see, they say instead that reason is of the world. And that is what has always bothered me about the conservative church.

1 comment:

P M Prescott said...

In the land of the blind a one eyed man is king. It applies to blind faith as well. The one eyed pied pipers of greed love leading the spiritually blind into monetary insanity.