May 12, 2004

Democracy under fire

This morning I am as depressed as I have ever been about democracy. Watching the President tell the Arab world that he is shocked and horrified by the prison abuses, then turn and nudge Rumsfeld and tell him he is doing a "superb job," I am wondering what is going on in this world. Inhofe's ridiculous and shameful outburst yesterday only further dampens my mood. Of course, why should I be surprised? Bush thinks he is doing a superb job too. Invading a country without cause, setting our relationship with the Arab world back a few hundred years, and enriching already rich friends. Hell, of course. Superb!

I read David Brock's chapter in Salon (found here) and was further discouraged. I know, he has some credibility issues. That is odd, isn't it, since his credibility issue comes from having once been the darling of the right. But now, the right uses that against him. Anyway, it should also be noted that his book chapter really doesn't raise new allegations. We have known for some time that the media participated in a savaging of Al Gore in 2000--repeating lies and half truths as if they came from Al's own mouth. He didn't say he invented the internet, but by the time the right wingers were done with him, mainstream media people were asking if Gore was dilusional. I bought into it too, not enough to vote for Nader or Bush, but would apologize for Gore.

And the machine keeps working. I was told recently that Clinton's trashing of the White House was shocking, yet several reports showed that was more lies. Now, I hear that Kerry is so far to the left that he is out of the mainstream of America. Why? Because he is from Massachusetts? Or because the machine keeps repeating that Kerry is too liberal.

Meanwhile, the machine keeps patting George on the back when he pronounces something correctly. Last night, Tim Russert charged that Kerry had to say what he would do differently in Iraq--forgetting that the same question needs to be addressed to Bush. And he is one of the well-intentioned guys who believes in objectivity. On Fox, they make no such claim. Their goal is to promote the GOP, so it should come as no shock that on their morning show today, they were excoriating CBS for airing the photos. Even Rumsfeld was mad about the cameras. You see how this works? The real problem is not the abuses, it was the airing of the abuse photos! The photos caused that beheading, not the abuses. If we had only a responsible press, the world wouldn't have known about the abuses. You remember learning that, right? If you don't get caught, it is ok? In Sunday School, weren't you taught that sins were only sins when you were found out? And that your first question should be to question those who revealed your activity?

True journalists would be concerned about the story of abuse, and how our government covered it up. Fake journalists blame the media for creating a fake scandal and ignore those in charge. "Balance," they cry, and then introduce James Inhofe, Senator from Oklahoma.

Brock notes the importance of an informed populace in an effective democracy. Watching the news makes me wonder if that isn't a complete pipe dream. The aforementioned Fox makes no claims at actually educating the people. They enjoy prodding the "liberal" media for balance, while doing nothing of the sort. Remember, the Wash Post and NY Times may be liberal, but they don't see their mission to defend the democratic party. If Democrats screw up, they go after them. When has Fox gone after a Republican? Meanwhile Sinclare Broadcasting censors Nightline because they think it is political.

How can democracy work in this mess? How can people make informed decisions when they are fed lies about their candidates. Kerry speaks French, remember that? And he is unamerican because he pretended to throw his medals away. GWB is a compassionate conservative and dedicated Christian. No matter how his actions belie any of that.

Watching the news last night and even the Daily Show, I was struck by a strong desire to relocate. I am so ashamed of my country today. I am so embarrassed by this so-called democracy. Friends of mine chide me for this--say that the Republic will survive and that being so critical of Bush is just irrational. I am not convinced. I don't think the Inhofe's of this world recognize just how bad this is for us. We have created more recruitment videos than Osama could have ever dreamed of. Yet, the guy who oversaw all of this is doing a "superb" job. Right. Up is down. Black is white.

At this point, I am not sure I will ever vote again. I don't see the point. I am close to checking out of the entire process and leaving you all to your Fox, Rush, and Bush world. "Where clean air is a pipe-dream and truth is what we tell you."


Anonymous said...

It is extremely naïve of many people to minimize the gravity of what happened in Iraq’s prisons. Rush Limbaugh and Jim Inhofe suggest that the men and women who humiliated and tortured the Iraqi prisoners were justified. This is not the case of a rogue prison guard hitting a few prisoners with a billy club – this is rape, murder and torture. Plus, the offenders look happy that they are humiliating the prisoners. Also, I know of some people who said that the abuses “supposedly” happened. I guess pictures and Rumsfeld’s admission to the abuses are not enough evidence. We are in uproar when a terrorist group executes a U.S. citizen, but rationalize the sodomy and torture of Iraqis. -- Cold in Laramie

Anonymous said...

do us all a great favor and vote with your feet...