May 12, 2004

New Comments on Streak's Blog

Blogger Help : How do I add comments to my posts?: "Who Can Comment?

Only Registered Users: if not logged in already, visitors will be prompted to log into Blogger before leaving a comment. If they don't have an account, they can create one.

Anyone: anybody in the whole wide world can leave comments"

The new comments are pretty cool, in that they are linked directly to the post. That is the good news. The only bad news is that Blogger is changing some of the ways that comments can be added. Under my old comment provider, you could just put a little info in the fields and then your comment. Blogger allows annonymous comments, but if you want to log in, you have to create a Blogger account. That is easy (and free) but kind of a pain. The good news again, however, is that I can allow the annonymous comments. On many blogs, the problem of abusive or even spam comments is forcing these kinds of changes.

but please, comment. Feel free to do so annonymously, but I would love to see some kind of indication of who you are.

1 comment:

Small Glimpses said...


Thanks for including tips and pointers to help new bloggers get going and not feel so intimidated by the new offerings. I really appreciate your help.

I especially like your tip about Yahoo adding a new RSS feed. I've added a new TAB for all my favorite blogs. It's SO much easier to keep up with them.