May 20, 2004 News | America's laziest fascist: "'These are tough interrogations?' Savage asked. 'My father put me through tougher interrogations when I was 16!' He portrayed now-infamous Abu Ghraib prison guard Lynndie England as a poster girl for the war on terrorism -- an embodiment of the idea that kicking Muslim ass can be fun. 'Let's hear it for Laurie [sic] England!' he cheered. 'The leash chick! Hey man, she had a great time over there!' He couldn't understand why liberals were so outraged. After all, he said, the acts of sexual humiliation and degradation that took place in Abu Ghraib were no more perverted than typical homosexual behavior. Try to follow his tortured logic: Savage was saying he didn't mind the Abu Ghraib abuses because they were good clean fun, like gay sex, which he openly abhors."

this from the guy kicked off MSNBC (after he replaced Donahue) for telling someone to "get AIDs and die." I love him saying that his father put him through tougher interrogations. Does that mean that his own father sexually humiliated and molested him?

"Though he has long billed himself as the original "compassionate conservative," his brand of conservatism does not share George W. Bush's pretense of caring about Muslim hearts and minds, much less lives. It appears that for Savage, the war in Iraq has nothing to do with spreading democracy or respecting human rights. It is about asserting American power by any means necessary, and screw what anyone else thinks. Predictably, and sadly, this notion went over well with the audience. When Savage blurted out, "Does anyone in this crowd give a shit about the Iraqis?" he was answered with a deafening "NO!""

That's right! We only invaded their country to help them, right?

This article raises another issue, that of the FCC's backlash on obscenity. Evidently that only refers to sex, because you can't tell me that calling for the death of Arabs, encouraging the use of nuclear weapons on one of their cities, or deciding to kill them by the thousands isn't obscene, then I really don't understand the word. I would prefer seeing Janet's breast. Really.

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