December 12, 2005

A good question--one many of us have been asking

By Their Fruits: A Message for Our Traditionalist, Religious Countrymen:

"To those of my traditionalist, religious countrymen who have given this presidency their support I say, quoting Jesus in the Gospel According to Matthew: 'By their fruits ye shall know them.'

So, even if many of this leadership’s words have been good, let’s look at the fruits. And I don’t mean the unintended fruits, like the failures of this administration that have become visible. Let’s look at the fruits that have been consistent, the one’s harvested even more bountifully when this administration was at the height of its powers, and thus had its freest hand, than more recently when events have weakened it.

In particular, I would ask: Is it a sign of goodness to sow division?"

1 comment: said...

Good comments, and good post. It reminds me of the song, "They'll Know we are Christians by our Love."

Will they?