December 3, 2005

More on SBC insanity

You all read the Russell Moore nonsense the other day where he castigated evangelicals for flirting with feminism and abandoning strict hierarchy. Kristen M wrote a wonderful sendup of this idiocy, and Natalie has a very personal reflection on such thinking.

I read the original so fast that I missed this little nugget:
“Evangelicals maintain headship in the sphere of ideas, but practical decisions are made in most evangelical homes through a process of negotiation, mutual submission, and consensus,” Moore said. “That’s what our forefathers would have called feminism -- and our foremothers, too.”

Right. Negotiation and mutual submission (which sounds faintly like some Bible verse) are bad.

I have friends from the old days. Some find me very puzzling because they remember a Streak who embraced patriarchy, toyed with Biblical innerrency, and quoted the conservative party line. Now they see me and wonder what the hell happened. I understand that, but they need to look closer at the idiocy that is the SBC if they want to understand some of my reasons. I spent way too much time around smart and effective women to buy any simple patriarchy. I still do. I married one. Don't expect me to take anyone seriously who expects me to impose my will on a woman simply because of my gender. It is ridiculous. And, as Kristen points out so well, criticizing skills like negotiation and mutual submission are the height of idiocy.

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