June 30, 2008

This doesn't help my mood

Dana Perino took to the podium to back up Joe Lieberman's "vote Republican or die" prediction. On a side note, the fact that Al Gore won the popular vote with this guy on his ticket is pretty amazing.

But the part that caught my eye was this little statement from the lovely Ms. Perino:
"The President has been looking for Osama bin Laden since September 12th. That effort has never let up."
Really? I wonder if that is the same amount of effort he made looking for WMD?


Anonymous said...

LIEberman has been a good little toady weasel, a chickenhawk in the sercive of chickenhawks. He is probably one of the most corrupt in an institution of corruption to boot.

I didn't like it when Gore picked him in 2000, and quite rankly I would imagine it cost Gore some votes, deservedly so.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the typos. LIEberman is one of my sore spots ;)

Streak said...

heh. NP. Joe brings that out in many of us lately.

steves said...

Really? I wonder if that is the same amount of effort he made looking for WMD?

The key difference being that UBL exists (or did) and the WMDs didn't (at least since the early 90's) and he knew it.

As for Lieberman, he is 100% pro Israel. If this war were in another region, he wouldn't be as enthusiastic, I daresay.

Anonymous said...

Bush shifted from OBL is "Wanted: Dead or Alive" to OBL is "not a priority" by September 2006. It seems that by his own admission it let up. The sideshow in Iraq is itself a distraction from the search for bin Laden.

Streak said...

Ubub, that was kind of my thought as well. Hard to take him seriously on this. Reminds me of how this last year he seems to have discovered that the Palestinians and Israelis don't get along very well. And he has decided to take care of that.

leighton said...

I can't say I'm surprised to see more inanity coming from the person who didn't know the difference between Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis.