October 9, 2005

GOP split looming

And I think the first skirmish is in Alabama where incumbent Governor Bob Riley (conservative Christian Republican) will go against Roy Moore (conservative nutjob-Christian Republican). Alabama is a great example already of the horrors of Conservative Christian rule. When Riley tried to revamp the most regressive and unfair tax code in the country, he was defeated by none other than the conservative Christians--who instead of speaking up for the poor decided to help the rich. Christians in Alabama, and the rest of the nation, should hang their head about that.

But now Riley, who at least shows a rational head about him, will face the least rational candidate in the country (and that is saying something). We are looking at the future split in our country--at least in my opinion. Instead of being between rich and poor or religious and irreligious, it will be between the rationals and the irrationals. Rationals will at least recognize evidence and facts--see science for what it is, and keep their faith applied to those areas that it makes sense. Irrationals will look to God to tell them how to manage taxes, reproduction, science (that should be in quotes) and everything in between. Candidates from the irrational side will repeatedly tell the voters that God has told them to do certain things--including running for office.

I have no idea how this will come out, except when it comes down to it, I think more Americans are essentially rational than irrational. Most go to Doctors instead of relying solely on prayer. Most get vaccinations and wear their seatbelts. Maybe those people will recognize that Roy Moore's divine voice is his own ego.


Tal said...

As a Democrat I am not voting for either candidate, but I have been shaking in my boots thinking of a Moore governorship. There is however some good news on the horizon, as the most recent poll done by the Mobile Register has Riley over Moore by 19 points.

Streak said...


Do you think there is anything good that might come of a Moore governorship? Maybe show the rest of the GOP what these people are really like?