October 29, 2005

The religious right's reputation? Shot

Or shorter Religious Right: Remember, WWJD.
  • We don't care about lying and cheating as long as we do it.
  • Support Tom Delay and Karl Rove against godless liberals
  • Torture is fine when we do it.
  • Give us a judge who hates gays and aborters as much as we do or we will pray for your vacancy.
  • Poverty? Cut taxes and shut up!

    As Massachusetts Liberal writes:

    And the questionable morality of the Religious Right has never been more thoroughly exposed. This is a nation fighting a war predicated on a lie (and whose leaders lied to perpetuate that lie). We are a nation where the rift between rich and poor was washed into the open by floodwaters in New Orleans. We are a nation where health care costs are soaring and its elected officials seek to balance the budget by cutting food stamps and health care benefits for the very people washed out of their homes.


    The moral leadership exemplified by James Dobson and Pat Robertson and their ilk has said not one word about the carnage in Iraq (a war Islam certainly sees as a religious one). They have been silent about the lies upon which our leaders based this crusade and the are silent still about the lies used to hide the fact that the amoral Bush administration would risk the life of a CIA agent to win its political fight.

    Bootleg Blogger said...

    Streak- I may sound like a broken record, but this is about politics and power. Dobson and his "Christian Right Party" have taken too many hits off of the power hooka to be influenced by Jesus talk. The end justifies the means, remember? Power and influence trumps honesty, fairness, justice, and compassion. Sadly, most people are safest when organized religion doesn't hold political power. The Christian Right Party will not blink an eye over any action that furthers their agenda. You'd be hard pressed to come up with a a more ruthless tradition than Christians in power pursuing a "holy agenda" through political means. The challenge for the Deomocratic politicians and voters is to grow some backbone and communicate an alternative agenda. Corruption and arrogance are not unique to the Christian Right.

    Anonymous said...

    I agree with Bootleg Blogger in that this is an example of coalition politics. The Christian Right has aligned itself with other branches of conservatism to create a coalition through which it can further its political agenda. As in any coalition there are going to be trade-offs. The big question is whether the Christian Right has sold out the Christian aspects of its agenda to preserve its power among the Right.

    Lowell said...

    You are right on target. And we think very much alike. Check out the blogs of a former Lutheran clergy heading toward Judaism...perhaps...one is Braveneworld (http://thynkingoutloud.blogspot.com) and the other is Just Cause (http://timeoday.blogspot.com). Keep the "faith!"