October 10, 2007

Hmm, Bush bad for Christianity?

That's unpossible. A Christian in India thinks that Bush's war policies have set back Christianity in that country:
"President George Bush is the darling of most born again Christians in the US of A. But in India many regard him as a liability to the Christian cause. His identification as a believer and his advocacy of the war that the rest of the world regards as unjust has embarrassed Christians who are in a minority in India."


JMG said...

A lot of Christians in the U.S. feel the same way that Christian in India feels.

Anonymous said...

The word ''Christianity'' is already a misunderstanding -- in reality there has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross. ~
Friedrich Nietzsche Jesus Quotes

Streak said...

So Christ was a follower of Christ?

ANewAnglican@gmail.com said...

They will know we are Christians by our love/By our love . . .

Tony said...

I have read on other blogs where Bush has been criticized by other foreign missionaries. It has impeded the progress of the Gospel in other countries because Bush is a national leader and shamefully, America is viewed as a "Christian" nation.

I am reminded of the words of Gandhi: "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

Bootleg Blogger said...

Having lived abroad in a Muslim environment, we never felt threatened by our neighbors due to our Christian identity. However, there were times that being American was a real liability. Fortunately, we were able to discuss with friends that the actions of our government had secular goals, not Christian principles. The assumption going into any of these conversations, though, was that the US government reflected a Christian agenda. In the wonderful world of 24 hour news much is made internationally available that would just a few years ago gone unnoticed. I won't get into comments by Falwell, Vines, and others from pulpits- lets just say we experienced some heat halfway around the world.

That said, there's no getting away from this kind thing. Bush has cozied up to the religious right, but ANY American leader is going to be assumed to be a Christian, just as Arabs and Persians are assumed to be Muslim, Indians to be Hindu, Thais and Cambodians to be Buddhists, etc.... Granted, Bush launched war against a Muslim state (2 actually) and is rattling the sabre on Iran. He has definitely ramped up the anti-american/christian sentiments. Keep in mind, though, plenty of "Christian" congressional representatives signed on, which does not make for an easy explanation at the local Muslim coffee shop. It's one thing to blame it all on Bush. Most of my friends, however, were savvy enough to pick up on the coverage of congressional and general american support of war. All of this together has continued to make it pretty tough on christians in the area we lived, especially those affiliated with christian organizations.

Later- BB