November 14, 2008


But I guess in a world where Sarah Palin is a legitimate candidate, there is no reason that Joe the Idiot can't profit off his celebrity. Turns out you too can spend $14.95 for a membership where you too can chat with the actual Joe the Wackjob. And he is "writing" a book. Yippee.

And if you are thinking I am being a little too harsh on old Joe, let's remember when he agreed with another idiot McCain supporter who said that a vote for Obama "is a vote for the death of Israel."

But, as I noted before, Sarah Palin still thinks she is a credible candidate. Why not Joe the Moron?


steves said...

But, as I noted before, Sarah Palin still thinks she is a credible candidate. Why not Joe the Moron?

Palin is a governor and Joe is a plumber. That might have something to do with it.

Streak said...

Yeah, and I say this with all due respect to those who admire her. but what I see suggests that she is not even a credible Governor. I know that is dismissive for those who voted for her, but she appears to be all celebrity and appearance.

Bootleg Blogger said...

There's very little if anything that is required to give someone "celebrity" status. Palin and Joe are enjoying that special craziness that often occurs around a personality whether there's substance there or not. Leadership, intelligence, and surviving the political gauntlet involved in national politics is another thing all together, although we've seen some strange characters do well in that environment, too (see Streak's blog for the last 8 years). Personally, I think her celebrity being treated as news is just another example of how our media is mostly about entertainment.

Streak said...

no doubt about that. We have numerous people who are famous for being famous. Joe the Moron falls into that category, clearly. Palin, at least, won a statewide election in Alaska (though the near willingness to reelect Stevens suggests that the Alaska voting public is questionable). But there is little doubt that her fame now and constant coverage on the news channels is because she is a celebrity more than a policy maker. Her fellow Republican governors seemed to be tired of her celebrity as well.

steves said...

The voters in my state have seen fit to re-elect a do nothing Senator like Debbie Stabenow and a windbag like Carl Levin, so I have no doubt that people will vote for anyone.

Isn't Joe's 15 minutes up yet?

Bootleg Blogger said...

" I have no doubt that people will vote for anyone." Good point. The presidential election puts the magnifying glass on the craziness of our political system and the human psyche every 4 years but it really is often tame compared to what goes on at the state and local levels. The stuff that people can get away with is just amazing sometimes.

Streak said...

Perhaps we have differing bars here. "Do nothing" and "blowhard" aren't good, mind you, but are preferable to "destructive" or "harmful."

Put it this way, George Bush has never really been criticized as a "do nothing president." If he did nothing, I would not like him, but would have thought he did little harm. Unfortunately, after gutting our economy, civil rights, and moral standing, few can say that. I hate to say it, but Sarah Palin strikes me in that mold of politician, rather than the other alternatives. Those politicians who simply occupy a place in Congress are not great for our Republic, but they usually don't cause more harm.

Dr. Mike Kear said...

What amazes me is that I used to think that Alaska was cool place (sorry about the pun). But after listening to Sarah Palin during the campaign, I have to wonder. It has been said that Palin cleaned up the corrupt government in Alaska. Again, I have to wonder: just how screwed up was Alaska politcs if Palin is the answer? And then you have the fact that convicted felon Ted Stevens may have been re-elected by the people (the re-count may toss him out of office).

Listen, I live in Oklahoma. The only state where every single county voted for McCain/Palin. I can't really throw stones. But crap, man, at least we have a good governor, and I would hope that we wouldn't elect a felon just because he was a Republican.


Hats off to Ohio, who must feel at least a little ashamed of Joe the dipshit, for voting for Obama/Biden.

Streak said...

Heh. Joe the dipshit.

Yeah, we really voted well here in OK. Not only every county for McCain, but reelected Inhofe. Jeesh.

I am still amazed that Obama won Ohio. I really didn't think he could do that. So much of Ohio is like Kentucky and Appalachia.

steves said...

Perhaps we have differing bars here. "Do nothing" and "blowhard" aren't good, mind you, but are preferable to "destructive" or "harmful."

True, I wasn't trying for some kind of direct comparison, but rather that some people will make voting decisions that seem stupid or strange.

Streak said...

No argument there, Steve. :)