March 21, 2004

CBS News | Did Bush Press For Iraq-9/11 Link? | March 21, 2004 20:46:16: "'Frankly,' he said, 'I find it outrageous that the president is running for re-election on the grounds that he's done such great things about terrorism. He ignored it. He ignored terrorism for months, when maybe we could have done something to stop 9/11. Maybe. We'll never know.' "

I saw this tonight. As L said tonight--the interview was pretty damning on its own, but when added to the Paul O'Neill, and the John Dilulio stories, it starts to take on more meaning. This administration is running on one thing: that they handled 9-11 with leadership. If that isn't true, then what do they bring to the table? Nothing much, that is what.

The evidence keeps mounting that this administration is arrogant to a shocking level. Spanish people are stupid for rejecting the Bush administration's approach on Terrorism. Those who dissent here at home are guilty of appeasing terrorism. And here we have former insider after former insider--all from closer and closer to the President. These aren't low level staffers, but instead are people close to the center of power.

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