March 29, 2004

Yahoo! News - Peace Corps Lacks Money to Expand
: "WASHINGTON - The Peace Corps is trying to carry out President Bush (news - web sites)'s goal of doubling the number of volunteers it sends abroad by 2007, but it lacks the money to do it."

I am torn here. On one hand I would like to believe that Bush himself thinks that this kind of program is good. I am well aware of his own giving gifts to children of inmates last Christmas and am sure that he certainly sees himself as a good Christian man (despite his tendency to completely savage his opponents in very unChristian ways). And the Peace Corps can be a way to fulfill that kind of mission overseas.

But when you completely gut the budget with tax cuts and military spending (much of it necessary) then you put yourself in the situation where you can voice support for all sorts of things, but won't be able to fund them. That is what paranoid leftists believe that the neo-cons want to do--starve the beast by driving up huge deficits.

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