July 10, 2005

Around the news

Just for the hell of it, I did a little surfing to find out what the news people had to say about the Rove story. The so-called liberal media (CNN, for example) has nothing on its political page. Nothing, I could find. Not even the NY Times is talking about it.

(Fox, btw, not only isn't talking about it, they have a personality who's editorial is critical of Tony Blair talking about Africa the day after the bombing. Can you imagine this in the states, John Gibson asks? The president talking about the developing world a day after an attack? The American people, according to twit-boy, would say "put a sock in it, Mr. President. Have you caught the terrorists yet? Have you pulled out their fingernails yet?"

I find that a little stunning that the conservatives are openly sanctioning torture. Where are the moral voices?)

But back to Rove. Let's not forget what this is about. This isn't a pissant land deal in Arkansas (nor a failed oil company in Texas). This isn't a blow-job in the Oval Office. This isn't some people in the travel office being fired. This is treasonous activity by the President's right hand man and chief advisor. He leaked the identity of a CIA operative for political fucking payback and intimidation. He undermined the national security of this nation because Joseph Wilson was a political pain in the ass.

Let's be honest here. Had this happened on Clinton's watch, we would be talking impeachment here. Immediately. Republicans, including Jabba Falwell would be calling for the President's head--literally. Siberia would be a compromise position.

Let's see where the flag-waving, bible-thumping crowd are on this? Patriotism? This is treason. This is as unAmerican as you can get.

I am waiting for the grownups here. Still.


Anonymous said...

If there's a press briefing on Monday, I think that will give us a good sense of whether or not this is going to catch hold with the press. So far, nobody's asked a question about Rove since Cooper testified, but the Newsweek article might change that.

Then again, they could always play the Rehnquist retirement card as a distraction.

Until then, there's always fun to be had with the press briefing archives....

September 16, 2003

QUESTION: Has the President either asked Karl Rove to assure him that he had nothing to do with this; or did Karl Rove go to the President to assure him that he . . .

McCLELLAN: I don't think he needs that. I think I've spoken clearly to this publicly . . . I've just said there's no truth to it.

QUESTION: Yes, but I'm just wondering if there was a conversation between Karl Rove and the President, or if he just talked to you, and you're here at this . . .

McCLELLAN: He wasn't involved. The President knows he wasn't involved.

QUESTION: How does he know that?

McCLELLAN: The President knows.

Anonymous said...

You'd think the so-called "liberal media" would be all over this like white on rice. This should be front page news. So why, then, I wonder, did I read it on Streak's blog instead of CNN.com??

Anonymous said...

Rove's defense, that he didn't name Ambassador Wilson's wife by name, is strikingly similar to the denials regarding Al Qaeda and Iraq and WMDs. All of them use the following formula:

White House: A=B, B=C
American People: A=C?!?!
Press Question: Are you indeed saying Mr. Fleisher/Mr. McClellan that A=C?
White House: That's not what I said.
American People: A=C
Me: You didn't have to.

Unknown said...

***I am waiting for the grownups here. Still.***

My guess is that you'll be waiting a long, long time.


Wasp Jerky said...

"So why, then, I wonder, did I read it on Streak's blog instead of CNN.com??"

Streak has once again scooped the mainstream U.S. media. It's amazing how often bloggers seem to do that.