April 19, 2007

I am waiting

I watched more of the Gonzales hearing coverage tonight. And John McCain joking about bombing Iran, and I wonder what the hell is going on.

So, I am waiting for an apology for those of you who looked at George Bush after Abu Ghraib, the little joke about looking for wmd under the desk, or "mission accomplished" and still decided he was qualified to run our country. Because every thing since then has proven you wrong. It has given us Al Gonzales, the man who "couldn't recall" some 70+ time, and let me remind you, that is the guy at the top of our justice system.

I have hinted around before. But I am tired of this. Bush has given us incompetence piled on corruption. I ask people for positive policies and even his supporters have to "think about it."

So, time for you to step up and admit that you elected an incompetent President. Spare me the Monica jokes or anything about Gore or Kerry. Good God, it is very hard at this point to even suggest that those two couldn't have done a marginally better job--and that is if we assume the worst case with both.

The comments are open. Leave them however you want. But watch this AG, then watch the President say he is doing a "heckofajob" and tell me that the country was well served in 2004.


Anonymous said...

Must resist urge to comment on...

I am sorry. Mostly I am sorry that we couldn't have found anyone better to put up as a candidate. With Romney and Guiliani leading the pack, I am not all that hopeful for the next election. Fred Thomspson is interesting and I would give him a fair look. I like Bill Richardson, but he doesn't seem to have a chance.

I will not vote for any of the top contenders, at this point. Maybe this will be the year I vote for a 3rd party.

Streak said...

I understand. I was very frustrated last night. But I am also still frustrated with conservatives who still contend--to this day--that Bush was the better choice in 2004. I understand 2000. We didn't really know what kind of monumental f-up he really was. But in 2004 we knew. We all knew.

Tony said...

Tip of the ole' fedora to Streak.

Here, here!