Speaking of that, as I have argue, the US Attorney scandal continues to unravel and touch areas that I am sure Rove never intended. No one doubts that the President can fire these people, but the evidence suggests that his office pressured them to pursue certain cases or not pursue other cases based on politics. Probably not the first time, but perhaps the first time it has been this brazen. Now we hear that the Bush people used an external mail server to conduct business so they wouldn't have to preserve the emails. Clinton first did this, I understand, because it was clear that they should not use the White House server for campaign purposes. Rove has taken this to another level. I don't think that Bush is evil--I think he is in over his head--but Rove is a new breed of political operative (or perhaps a throwback to the most corrupt era of a Mark Hanna where everything is political. Foreign policy, intelligence, science on health and climate, etc., are all political rather than policy questions. Historians will spend a lot of time deconstructing this administration, I suspect.
Now for the Saturday comic. Similar theme to last week, but it is f*&king cold here today! And I am having difficulty finding motivation for anything beyond napping.

But tonight, we are headed to hear Neko Case perform in the city. We will ride up with friends, enjoy a nice dinner and then head to the show. I have become a fan of hers. For those interested, she has a live concert from Austin City Limits on dvd that is excellent.

I will report more tomorrow. And maybe get back to work...
Can you elaborate on not using the white house server? If Clinton was having them do it because they were campaigning, then he was following the law. I can't remember the name of the law, but it is illegal for federal employees to do certain kinds of campaign activity.
Oops, I accidently posted under my regular account. I realize that picture may be offensive, and if it is, I will delete the post. My friends have threatened me to never remove that avatar.
What I meant was that Clinton's use was legal because it had to do with campaigning, while Bush is allegedly using these other servers to avoid tracking normal business.
So...... How was the concert?-BB
unfortunately, the concert was cancelled at the last minute. It was disappointing, to say the least.
I hate to say this, but unless it was required, I'd probably opt for an off site server because of two factors.
1. In litigation, there are generous provisions for obtaining e-mails.
2. People, unfortunately, say way too much in e-mails and often disclose confidential information, thinking that the other person will delete it and it is gone forever.
Yeah, well, in this case, we have actual legislation requiring that the White House document what it does.
This President's lack of ethics bothers me--and bothers me even more since he still cloaks himself in prayer and Bible reading.
Then they need to do what they are supposed to.
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