April 24, 2007

There is something perverse about this

But it isn't new. At least to Bush. I know I am harsh on the man today, but as Anglican and I noted over lunch today, the man seems beyond delusional. A real President--especially one who didn't serve in Vietnam--would not accept a Purple Heart from a real soldier. A real president would say, "I appreciate the gesture, but these awards are for real soldiers and those who put their life on the line. I appreciate the support, but no thanks." But not this President. I wonder if really thinks he is a real hero--just as I wonder if he might think he is a hard working everyman who fought his way up the system, as opposed to being a spoiled brat of privilege.

On every turn, he puts forward policy or people completely contradictory to the supposed policy. For an FDA post on reproductive health, he posts a fundamentalist doctor who refused to give birth control to unmarried women and prescribed prayer and Bible reading for pms. For the UN, he nominated someone who thought the UN should be disassembled. For his first nod to overee the 9-11 Commission, he nominated Henry Kissinger. To oversee security information, he nominated John Poindexter, one of those convicted (though overturned on a technicality) for his role in Iran Contra. Hell, I half expected Bush to first pardon, then nominate G. Gordon Liddy to some post like Attorney General or the Supreme Court.

Well, he is at it again.
"President Bush has nominated Michael Baroody - one of Corporate America's leading anti-consumer henchmen - to head the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) - our top government agency protecting millions of Americans from injury and death from unsafe products.

For the past 13 years, Michael Baroody has served as Executive Vice President at the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) - a K Street lobbying behemoth devoted to helping big manufacturers evade accountability for their wrongdoing."


Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding like a contrary wanker, I'd like to see more on Baroody before opposing him. Stopbaroody.com seemed somewhat slanted. On the surface, he seems like a poor choice, given that he has represented manufacturers, but that by itself shouldn't disqualify him.

I think the CPSC does an ok job, but I like Consumer Reports better.

Streak said...

Agreed. I was looking around for more and simply ran out of time. But the point still stands. Have you any evidence where the Bush people have, for example, appointed someone who wasn't ass-deep in the industry they were supposed to oversee? Any actual environmentalists? Perhaps some real consumer defenders?

I agree that this is a biased link, but my point still stands.

Anonymous said...

I am sure I could find someone, but it wouldn't be easy. ; )

I would prefer someone that was somewhat neutral. Unfortunately, that would mean hiring someone that had little or no experiece and we would end up with another Brownie. I guess what I am saying is that I don't want an industry hack or someone that hates industry. I want someone that will be fair. Maybe an ex-judge or someone with good mediation skills.

Bootleg Blogger said...

Streak-"A real president would say, "I appreciate the gesture, but these awards are for real soldiers and those who put their life on the line." The juxposition of this with the Tillman (and Lynch) stories makes all this unbelievable- obscene, even.-BB

Anonymous said...

I agree that perhaps Stopbaroody.com is somewhat slanted. I similarly thought that the Fuck Bush bumper sticker I saw today was a bit one sided.