February 3, 2010

Conservative CW on Obama and Fox as trusted news

If you haven't seen this Jon Stewart bit, you should. Interestingly enough, most of the networks covered the Obama Q&A with the Republicans, and even carried it live. Fox, started out doing so and then cut away because, as Jabba the Hut said, "Fox is the most trusted news source in the business" or some such nonsense. But Jon made a great point, that for Fox this video violated the narrative they have about Obama, and it certainly violates the narrative so many conservatives have about him. You know, that he is a teleprompter guy, but really an empty suit? You have heard all of these things, I am sure. I put those in the denial/delusion column, or in that column where one projects onto one's opposition the traits of your own party: ie., Bush was an idiot who could barely speak in short, meaningless phrases off notes and so therefore Obama becomes the empty suit who doesn't know what is going on.

But watching him command questions from the opposition and manage them--not always perfectly, but certainly with knowledge and understanding--that was impressive. And "impressive" goes against the Fox narrative.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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