February 2, 2010

Latest KOS poll shows that Republicans are moving farther from reality

Large Portion Of GOP Thinks Obama Is Racist, Socialist, Non-U.S. Citizen: Poll. 39 percent want to impeach Obama for invisible crimes, 36 percent believe Obama is not an American citizen, and that gay people should not be allowed to teach in public schools. Vast majority want Genesis taught in the public schools to explain the origins of the world.

(There are some interesting odd bits in the poll. Most Republicans (men and women) see men and women as equal in the marriage relationship (as opposed to some male headship) and support women working outside the home.)

But the highlights of this poll (and many, many others) point to the real inability for Republicans to actually work with Democrats--because they have a base that hates people like me. And Republicans have done nothing to dissuade their base from believing these falsehoods.
"During his appearance at the House Republican retreat last Friday, Obama explained that it was hard to forge bipartisan consensus when lawmakers were trashing his health care bill as a 'Bolshevik plot'. These poll numbers show that the gulf preventing bipartisan consensus extends well beyond health care. How does a Republican lawmaker explain to his or her die-hard base that it is important to work on legislation with a racist, socialist president who is illegally holding office only because of the help of ACORN?

'This is why it's becoming impossible for elected Republicans to work with Democrats to improve our country,' said Markos Moulitsas, founder and publisher of Daily Kos. 'They are a party beholden to conspiracy theorists who don't even believe Obama was born in the United States, and already want to impeach him despite a glaring lack of scandal or wrongdoing. They think Obama is racist against white people and the second coming of Lenin. And if any of them stray and decide to do the right thing and try to work in a bipartisan fashion, they suffer primaries and attacks. Given what their base demands -- and this poll illustrates them perfectly -- it's no wonder the GOP is the party of no.'"

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