February 21, 2010

Either Liz Cheney is not smart or she is not honest

Asked about Obama's anti-terrorism tactics, Liz Cheney says this:
"I worry though when we capture these leaders that we no longer have the option of using any of the enhanced interrogation techniques because the president took those off the table. When you've got people in captivity we'd like our CIA officials in particular to have the capacity to do more than just ask the terrorists to please tell us what they want."
Do right wingers really think that our only options are to torture people or sit and give them coffee and donuts and ask them nicely to please talk to us? Do they think that interrogation techniques that have actually worked over the years and even worked against the Nazi regime are not useful here? Even though they have been documented to work against captured terrorists?

I think she is smarter than that. This is about throwing red meat to the torture loving right.

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