November 4, 2005

Auto shop and physics

Had a funny and frustrating experience at the auto parts store. The frustrating part was that the headlight in my 13 year old pickup went out. I bought the replacement and then found out (in my 13 year old, and shredded manual) that to replace my headlight, I had to remove the entire front grill. That did not make me happy. Those things are a) held on by little clips that require 6 or 7 arms and the same number of long screwdrivers, and b) little clips that break easily (perhaps especially after 13 years). Suffice to say there was some swearing and throwing of some things.

After all that, the headlight didn't work anyway, so I had to go to my mando lesson on my bike. Got a few looks, I can tell you.

But back to the auto shop. The young man who helped me find the headlamp that ended up NOT solving my problem was very nice and helpful. While I was checking out, the person behind me asked about those battery-free flashlights--you know, the ones you shake.

As it turned out, the auto parts store didn't carry those, which the store employee pointed out. The older gentlemen asked what they were, and the guy behind the desk said, "they utilize Faraday's law of induction. And Led lights."

He is right, I know. But it seemed above the people behind me. And me. I knew what he meant only because I have one of those lights. And the shaking motion cleared it up.


Bootleg Blogger said...

Hmmm- History prof has trouble with little clips but knows answer is Faraday's Law on trivia question. Reminds me of my nickname with a particularly grizzled old cowboy at the feedlot when I had difficulty working a gate or other simple mechanical apparatus: OESB- OverEducatedSumBitch. Of course, you have to imagine it coming from a mouth obscured by a bushy mustache and half a can of Copenhagen.

Any chanced SOF got the tantrum on video?
Later Streak

Streak said...

Hah. Clips do puzzle me. And to be very fair, I only understood Faraday's law when the man made the shaking motion. It makes perfect sense to me, but I could not explain it on an exam to save my life.

And no, SOF did NOT catch this on video. I would not characterize it as a "tantrum," but am glad that the outburst was not recorded for posterity. Not that it was that bad, mind you. A little minor swearing and the throwing of certain tools. Kind of a common every day Streak home repair!

Adam Preece said...

You're still lucky to have used your pickup's headlights for 13 years. That guy practically put you in a school about the law of induction. Good thing your pickup is fine now.