November 30, 2005

Greg is right

Baptists on patriarchy.


brooke said...

streak!!!! i found your blog again and now we have a computer @ home so i can keep up w/ ya'll!

brooke and nick

Bootleg Blogger said...

Thanks alot! Either you're going to have to post warnings with your links or I need to remember not to check your blog right after I've eaten. :-)

I guess if anyone was wondering, Moore has put it there in black and white. Those considering SBC life have full disclosure anytime they want from Moore and Mohler. The days of stealth tactics are over.

Streak said...

Brooke! so glad to see you back! We will have to catch up again.

Bootleg, I apologize. It was a quick post and really did deserve some kind of warning. But, like you said, the SBC is at least not hiding its views.