April 5, 2008

Hmm. The voters should be respected in one, but not the other?

Hillary Clinton Asks Obama Pledged Delegates In North Dakota To Switch:
Sen. Hillary Clinton made a blunt appeal to North Dakota delegates to switch their support to her, despite the fact that Sen. Barack Obama handily defeated her in the state's caucus in February.

As for Michigan and Florida?
Some say their votes should be ignored and the popular vote in Michigan and Florida should be discounted. Well, I have a different view," Clinton said at a rally here. "The popular vote in Florida and Michigan has already been counted. It was determined by election results, it was certified by election officials in each state, it's been officially tallied by the secretary of state in each state, and the question is whether those 2.3 million Democrats will be honored and their delegates seated by the Democratic party."
The vote should be honored unless it goes against Hillary?

Not impressive.


steves said...

Obama and Edwards weren't even on the ballot in MI. They removed their names because MI had violated Democratic Party rules. Some Obama supporters voted 'undecided' (or something to that effect). Some wrote in Obama, only later to find out that those ballots would be thrown out. Many just stayed home and didn't bother with voting at all. I kind of liked Hillary at first, but she has this aura of desperation now that I just can't stomach.

leighton said...

I dislike her campaigning style very much, but what I really can't stand is that she hasn't fired Mark Penn for negotiating a trade program with Colombia that she, herself, opposes. Then he apologizes afterward, and Colombia fires him.

In the off chance she is the Democratic nominee, my biggest reason for saying I'd vote for her above McCain or writing in David Tennant had been that her cabinet would be better than his. But when she's following Bush's lead and placing personal and political loyalty above her own good and the good of the nation, I can't argue that in good conscience anymore. I'd need to do a lot more digging on her specific cabinet choices to figure out who she's picking because they'd do a good job, and who she's tapping because she owes someone a favor. I had thought that she was smart and savvy enough that the two could coincide, but with as Penn continues to dig her campaign's grave, I can't assume that anymore.

Anonymous said...

Obama does exactly the same thing--calls for voters to coutn when they favor him and nto to count when they don't. So why not come down from your sanctimonious pro-Obama perch and admit that he's a politician, too, and his campaign is all about hard-hitting politics. And thank God it is--because if he gets the nomination we sure don't want to send a lily-livered pansy up against the Republicans. But don't advocate the position that we should nominate him because he's purer or more committed to Democracy, becaue that's crap.

Streak said...

Hmm. Anon comes in, calls me sanctimonious and accuses me of saying things I haven't said.


I expect this from Bush followers, not Hilary's. You want to talk, approach us civilly and you might find we are ready to go.