I have been busy with a project. I might say more about that later. But it means that I am not as up on the news as I have been. I only noted that Dick Cheney was in Grand Junction, Colorado to raise money for a Senate candidate. It is hard to imagine the place where Cheney is remotely popular. After all, his approval ratings hover in the low 20s.
And the guy he is fundraising for? TPM notes that he is from the Abramoff mode and seems to think that sweatshops and forced abortion might be a good model, to say nothing about slave labor:
"When Republican Senate candidate Bob Schaffer freely offered earlier this week that the Northern Mariana Islands, notorious for human rights abuses and sweatshops, were a great model for a nationwide guest worker program, it seemed to be coming out of the blue. But a look at Schaffer's time in the House (where he represented Colorado's 4th District from 1997 through 2003) shows that he was one of the most reliable allies for the islands, which were represented for most of that time by lobbyist Jack Abramoff.Seriously. Can the Republican party nominate anyone who doesn't with one hand quote the bible and with the other advocate the worst human behavior?
The Denver Post reported today on a trip Schaffer took to the islands in August of 1999. The trip was nominally funded by the Traditional Values Coalition, though like all the other junkets to the islands, it was really organized by Abramoff."
But this made me smile.

From Boing Boing, the coolest spoon and bowl set I have ever seen.
Streak- those bowls are obviously for people who actually pause and release their spoon while eating. Would be totally unneeded for a slob like me who grips the spoon the entire time and then loudly plops it in the empty bowl.
BB, fair enough. Fair enough. Let's just say that we are still proud that you started using a spoon.
What was that you mentioned about ass kicking.....?:-) Good one, Streak
I think you mean "loin kicking." As in the exact way that Jesus would have talked.
Or one of those elves from LOTR.
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